‘Wellbeing and You’ Workshop
It’s common to feel guilty when we take ‘time out’ for ourselves! But when we don’t – it’s not just ourselves that suffer.
“You dive in to save someone, but you can’t swim – and so you both drown”
(Ruby Wax)
The last year has been particularly testing and continues to be for many of us. The pandemic will have impacted us in many different ways and we all will have had our own unique experience, setbacks and coping strategies.
This event is about pressing the pause button. It’s an opportunity to really get clear on what is impacting your wellbeing (positive and negative), your own unique response to challenges and what tools you already have to decrease stress and increase joy.
It’s about acknowledging what is going on for you, getting clear on the helpful / unhelpful habits you may have formed and the creation of a Setback plan that is unique to you!
You will share and explore techniques and strategies to minimise the effect of stressful situations on your mental, emotional and physical health and increase your ‘feel good’ chemicals; enabling you to take greater control of your life.
Key Elements of the Programme
Time to hit the ‘pause’ button and reflect on how you are really doing
Exploration of those things that are causing you pressure and your worries for the future
Human Beings, not Human Doings – how we experience Change / Loss
Your unique response and the warning signs to look out for
Creation of your ‘Setback Plan’ focusing on Mental, Physical, Emotional and Behavioural
New approaches to build into your plan that will further support your wellbeing over the coming months
What others say…
“It was really great to hear others speak about their experience, to feel seen and realise I was not alone. These are such lonely times.”
“It would be very valuable for teams to have these discussions with each other, and to be encouraged to continue doing so regularly.”
“But most beneficial to me was appreciating my set back plan that I have learnt to build, almost without knowing it over the last 12 months.”
“Time to reflect on my wellbeing, really exploring the four quadrants to think about what measures I want to put in place.”
Duration – 4 hours (2 x 2-hour sessions). Delivered online or face to face.
Maximum number of Delegates - 15
Wellbeing Bitesize Series
Bitesize 1 - Let’s talk about Stress
In this 2-hour session we will explore what stress is and gain a greater understanding of the impact this can have on your health.
What are the stressors that you are currently dealing with? And how is this affecting you currently?
You will learn techniques and strategies to minimise the effect of stressful situations on your mental, emotional and physical health and increase your ‘feel good’ chemicals; enabling you to take greater control of your life.
Bitesize 2 – Life after Lockdown
With a roadmap to guide us out of this Lockdown Life – things are looking up, but that doesn’t mean our worries and personal challenges disappear.
In this 2-hour session you will explore your highs & lows of the last year, drill down on what is currently draining & enhancing your own energy and wellbeing – looking at this from the perspectives of Me, Us and It and discover tips, techniques and strategies to help you start to thrive – rather than simply survive.
Bitesize 3 – Fuel - The Building Blocks to Wellbeing
This 2-hour session centres around the training regime by the Military Academy at Sandhurst – Pattern of Renewal: Move, Eat, Sleep, Relax & Connect
These are the building blocks to Wellbeing and this ‘fuel’ feeds us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
During this session you are being given the opportunity to explore these in more detail: what this looks like in terms of your life, your relationship with each, and what can help you towards becoming a well-being!
These workshops can be attended as a 3-part series or standalone.
Duration - 2 hours each. Delivered online or face to face.
Maximum number of Delegates – 15
If you are interested in attending or enquiring for your organisation, please get in touch here.